Dr. Sylvia Bhattacharya is an Assistant Professor at Kennesaw State University, specializing in Human Autonomy and Machine Learning. With a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Florida State University, her research focuses on integrating human-like cognitive processes into AI systems to enhance their performance in dynamic environments. Dr. Bhattacharya's work, supported by multiple DoD grants, aims to advance the safety and reliability of autonomous systems through innovative, interdisciplinary approaches.
Current Projects as Single PI:
1. Overcoming confusion in AI: Integrating human-like “gist” into complex dynamically evolving human-AI systems, Sylvia Bhattacharya, DoD, $562,829
2. Multimodal Inference of Human State to Track Cognitive Processes in Risky Environments, Sylvia Bhattacharya, DoD, $505,000